
These are some samples of my scores:


From Olive Events for Ekaterini Spathi (2013)

1. Get a jar of olives.
2. Dump all its contents in your hands.
3. Hold until there is no more liquid.

Memorama (1998)
1. Get a loaf of bread.
2. Place each slice of bread on a surface.
3. Concentrate.
4. Try to find pairs by flipping one and another slice.
5. Once you find a pair, bite it and put it aside.
The winner will have the most pairs.

Name Search Event (2012)
(For Reed Altemus, Reid Wood, Allan Revich and Alan Bowman)

1. think to name your kid Reed.
2. call him Reid.

if your partner does not like it then:
3. think to name your kid Reid.
4. call him Reed.

1. think to name your kid Allan.
2. call him Alan.

if your partner does not like it then:
3. think to name your kid Alan.
4. call him Allan.